Sabtu, 27 Juni 2020

Sungai Mahakam Dan Segala Aktivitas Disana

Sungai Mahakam adalah sungai terpanjang ke 2 yang ada di Indonesia dan merupakan Sungai terbesar yang berada di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Memiliki panjang 920 km yang melintasi Kabupaten Kutai Barat bagian hulu, Kabupaten Kutai Kertanegara hingga Kota Samarinda dibagian hilirnya.Sungai Mahakam bermuara ke Selat Makassar
~English version please click here

               keterangan:Jembatan Kutai Kertanegara

Sungai Mahakam memiliki air yang berwarna kecoklatan dan seperti sungai-sungai lain,Sungai Mahakam memiliki banyak fungsi dan dimanfaatkan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten / Kota yang dilintasi oleh aliran Sungai Mahakam. 
Selain digunakan sebagai sarana transportasi,Sungai Mahakam juga dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber air oleh perusahaan  layanan air bersih yang dikelola Pemerintah

                      keterangan:Pelabuhan di Samarinda

Sebagai wahana wisata air sekarang seperti di Kota Samarinda ada Kapal Wisata yang siap membawa para wisatawan yang ingin menikmati keindahan Kota Samarinda sembari melintasi Sungai Mahakam.

Setiap tahun juga diadakan Festival Erau di Tenggarong yang sebagian besar kegiatan  festival yang diadakan di Sungai Mahakam.Di Kota Samarinda juga diadakan acara tahunan yaitu Festival Mahakam, yang sudah pasti seluruh kegiatan festival berpusat di Sungai Mahakam sesuai nama eventnya

Jika kita mengunjungi Kabupaten Kutai Kertanegara maka banyak kita jumpai keramba-keramba milik petani ikan air tawar  berbaris rapi disepanjang Sungai Mahakam

Kalimantan Timur juga terkenal dengan sumbar alamnya yaitu batu bara yang melimpah, sehingga Sungai Mahakam sangat penting bagi para pengusaha batu bara untuk membawa hasil tambang perusahaan mereka keluar dari lokasi pertambangan untuk didistribusikan.Maka pemandangan lalu lalangnya kapal pengangkut batu bara menjadi pemandangan tersendiri yang dapat kita lihat di sepanjang Sungai Mahakam

               keterangan:Kapal pengangkut batu bara

Sungai Mahakam juga digunakan sebagai sarana transportasi orang.Orang yang dari hulu biasa menggunakan kapal untuk transportasi mereka, demikian juga sebaliknya yang dari hilir jika ingin pergi ke hulu, transportasi sungai yang banyak mereka pilih untuk perjalanan mereka

Serta masih banyak masyarakat yang tinggal di pinggir sungai memanfaatkan untuk kegiatan MCK (Mandi, Cuci, Kakus) 

keterangan:Anak-anak sedang berenang di Sungai 

Dari sisi darat, sepanjang tepian Sungai Mahakam banyak digunakan sebagai tempat wisata kuliner baik yang permanen maupun tidak

Terkadang juga banyak dijumpai  orang-orang yang saya  mempunyai hobbi memancing berada disepanjang pinggir Sungai Mahakam menyalurkan hobi mereka di sana

O iya, Sungai Mahakam memiliki hewan langka yaitu Ikan Pesut.Jika kita beruntung bisa melihat kawanan pesut muncul dipermukaan sungai.Ikan Pesut Mahakam digunakan sebagai ikon Kota Samarinda

Sungai Mahakam relatif bersih,hanya saja jika musim kemarau saja tiba biasanya banyak tanaman eceng gondok dari arah hulu akan larut kearah hilir dan tampak memenuhi sungai

Pemandangan matahari terbenam di Sungai Mahakam juga sangat indah.
Selamat menikmati Sungai Mahakam di foto-foto saya 

                 keterangan:Sunset di Sungai Mahakam

Mohon tinggalkan komentar anda agar saya lebih baik kedepannya dalam menulis blog.Terimakasih 😊

Mahakam River And All Activities There

Mahakam River is the second longest river in Indonesia and is the largest river in the province of East Kalimantan. 
It has a length of 920 km that crosses the upstream of West Kutai Regency, Kutai Kertanegara Regency to Samarinda City downstream. The Mahakam River empties into the Makassar Strait.
~Versi Bahasa Indonesia silahkan klik disini

                           caption:Kutai Kertanegara Bridge

The Mahakam River has brownish water and like other rivers, the Mahakam River has many functions and is widely used by the Regency / City Government which is crossed by the Mahakam River
                                  Caption: A port in Samarinda

Aside from being used as a water transportation route, the Mahakam River is also used as a source of water for companies  Clean water services managed by the Government. 

As a water tourism vehicle now like in Samarinda there is a Tourism Boat ready to bring tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of Samarinda City while crossing the Mahakam River. 

Every year there is also an Erau Festival held in Tenggarong, Kutai Kertanegara which most of the activities  the festival is held on the Mahakam River. 
In Samarinda there is also an annual event called the Mahakam Festival, which is certain all festival activities are centered on the Mahakam River according to the name of the event.

If we visit Kutai Kertanegara Regency, we can find many cages belonging to freshwater fish farmers  the lined up neatly along the Mahakam River. 
East Kalimantan is also famous for its natural resources namely abundant coal.
So the Mahakam River is very vital for coal entrepreneurs to bring their company's mining products out of the mining location to be distributed.
Embers become a separate scene that we can see along the Mahakam River
                           Caption:collier at Mahakam River

The Mahakam River is also used as a means of transportation for people. People from the upstream used to use ships for their transportation, and vice versa from the downstream when they want to go upstream, the river transportation is a lot of them choose for their trip. 

And there are still many people who live by the river use MCK (Bathing, Washing, and Toilet) activities
           Caption:Kids swimming at Mahakam River

From the land side, along the edge of the Mahakam River many are used as culinary tourism spots, whether permanent or not. 

Sometimes also many  found or  people who have hobby of fishing are along the edge of the Mahakam River channeling their hobby there.

Oh yes, the Mahakam River has a rare animal called Pesut Fish.If you are lucky we can see a herd of rare animals appearing on the surface of the Mahakam River.Pesut Mahakam fish is also an icon of Samarinda City.

Mahakam River is relatively clean, only when the dry season arrives usually a lot of water hyacinth plants from the upstream direction will dissolve towards the downstream and appear to meet the surface of the river.

The view of the sunset on the Mahakam River is also very beautiful.Enjoy the Mahakam River on my photos
                          caption:Sunset at Mahakam River

Please leave your comments so i will be better in writing blog.Thank you 😊

Rabu, 10 Juni 2020

Pejuang Melawan Kegelapan

Penghargaan untuk suami dan petugas PLN yang bertugas di Perusahaan Listrik Negara, khususnya di Wilayah Kalimantan.

Di era modern dan digital ini, listrik adalah sesuatu yang sangat vital bagi kehidupan kita sehari-hari, bahkan dapat dikatakan bahwa listrik telah menjadi kebutuhan dasar untuk hal-hal yang dapat disandingkan dengan kebutuhan makanan, pakaian dan tempat tinggal.
~English version please click here
Bayangkan apa yang akan terjadi jika tidak ada listrik?  sementara semua peralatan elektronik, mulai dari rumah, lingkungan kantor hingga kantor layanan publik serba elektronik, walaupun ada beberapa yang menggunakan listrik dari panel surya misalnya, tetapi tetap pasokan listrik dari Perusahaan Listrik Negara yang merupakan pemasok utama listrik di Indonesia. 
Apalagi di dunia digital ini, semuanya bisa dilakukan secara online, baik melalui komputer, laptop atau ponsel.  Dan perangkat elektronik ini sumber tenaganya dari listrik.

Saya, sebagai pelanggan listrik dari Perusahaan Listrik Negara, jujur ​​sering menggerutu sedikit jika listrik padam (maafkan saya, pak🀭), pasti reaksi yang sama juga dialami oleh orang lain yang sama-sama pelanggan listrik PLN.
Itu adalah reaksi manusiawi  menurut saya, jika selama masih pada batas wajar kemarahan dan omelannya. 

Menyadari betapa pentingnya listrik bagi kehidupan kita, sehingga ketika dimatikan sebentar dan hilang dari perangkat elektronik kita, betapa kecewa dan merasakan ada sesuatu yang hilang dalam hidup kita (benar kan?πŸ˜‰)

            ket:Gardu Induk Bukuan,PLN,UPT KALTIMRA
                                   ULTG SAMARINDA By Suryana 
             ket:Kabel jaringan listrik By @SetyawatiAnik
Di balik kemudahan akses ke listrik yang kita nikmati, pernahkah kita membayangkan dan berpikir tentang bagaimana listrik dapat mencapai rumah kita?
Mungkin sudah dipikirkan, tetapi hanya selintas lalu didapat jawaban 'Ah, saya punya hak untuk mendapatkan listrik karena saya membayar, masalah bagaimana dan siapa yang membuat listrik tersedia? Itu sudah kewajiban pihak terkait'

Yuk kita lihat sekilas bagaimana listrik bisa sampai dirumah kita dengan lancar jaya.
Ada proses panjang yang harus dilakukan petugas PLN,mulai dari pembangkit listrik(tempat awalnya daya listrik diproses),setelah itu disalurkan ke unit penyalur dan pengatur beban melalui Gardu Induk yang ada,lalu didistribusikan kerumah-rumah pelanggan dengan lancar dan kontinyu.

Selama 24 jam para petugas PLN secara bergantian menjaga pasokan listrik tetap aman.
Demi tanggung jawab kepada pelanggan dan dedikasi bahwa kepuasan pelanggan adalah nomor 1,tidak jarang petugas PLN rela tidak pulang untuk bertemu keluarga mereka.Pantang pulang sebelum listrik menyala terangπŸ‘Œ

Dan untuk tenaga listrik untuk sampai ke rumah ada banyak yang harus dilakukan oleh petugas baik di ruang kontrol maupun petugas yang berada di luar.  
Seperti foto di bawah ini, sekilas pekerjaan dilakukan agar pasokan listrik ke rumah tetap lancar dan terjaga kontinuitasnya

                             ket:Control room Gardu Induk,PLN
                             UPT KALTIMRA,ULTG SAMARINDA
                                                                     By Suryana

Setiap akan melakukan pekerjaan rutin, selalu didahului dengan safety breafing yang bertujuan untuk memeriksa kesiapan, terutama tentang keselamatan pribadi setiap petugas yang akan melakukan pekerjaan yang dijadwalkan atau mendadak, seperti jika ada gangguan ... 
Peralatan safety yang wajib dikenakan adalah:
•Helm safety
•Sarung tangan safety
•Sepatu safety
•Sabuk safety(full body harness)
Safety first 😎

                    ket:Safety breafing,PLN,UPT KALTIMRA
                 ULTG SAMARINDA By ULTG SAMARINDA                                               
                     ket:Pemeliharaan peralatan listrik,PLN
                            UPT KALTIMRA,ULTG SAMARINDA
                                                  By ULTG SAMARINDA

                      ket:Pemeliharaan peralatan listrik,PLN
                             UPT KALTIMRA,ULTG SAMARINDA
                                                   By ULTG SAMARINDA

Menara SUTT (Saluran Udara Tegangan Tinggi) di hutan juga harus diperiksa secara rutin, apakah ada pohon yang mengganggu, apakah ada genangan air yang dapat menyebabkan keropos pada material menara.
Demikian juga kabel jaringan harus diperiksa secara rutin.  Ternyata tidak sesederhana yang dibayangkan, itu membutuhkan proses dan kerja dengan ketelitian ekstra karena risiko kerja yang tinggi.

                    ket:Petugas Ground Patrol Tower SUTT
                                            By Gardu Induk Bukit Biru

    ket:Pemeliharaan dan atau perbaikan penghantar

Terkadang listrik padam karena pekerjaan pemeliharaan jaringan.  Tetapi ada juga banyak listrik padam yang di luar kendali (faktor alam). 
 Petugas lapangan sudah bekerja secara optimal tetapi ketika berhubungan dengan alam, itu adalah tantangan  tersendiri bagi mereka, agar bagaimana menjaga pasokan listrik tetap terjaga.  
Mereka menginginkan yang terbaik untuk pelanggan setia PLN.

Itulah sedikit gambaran tentang bagaimana listrik yang sekarang dapat kita nikmati berasal.  Satu hal yang pasti jika pasokan listrik padam, mereka petugas PLN tidak tinggal diam, mereka akan mengerahkan segala upaya agar pasokan listrik kembali lancar.  
Semua untuk kepuasan kita para pelanggannya.

Semoga melalui tulisan ini, kita bisa dengan bijak menyikapi jika ada pemadaman listrik. 
Bagi para petugas Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN),sukses selalu dalam membuat Indonesia terang.

Tulisan ini saya buat atas dasar penghargaan sebagai seorang istri dari petugas PLN dan sebagai bentuk dukungan untuk rekan-rekan kerja suami di PLN

Dan penghargaan yang besar kepada:
•Bapak Suryana
•Semua rekan-rekan Bapak Suryana

Silakan tinggalkan komentar Anda, karena komentar anda sangat berarti bagi saya untuk lebih baik di masa depan sehingga saya bisa menjadi lebih baik dalam membuat blog.  
Terima kasih

A Warrior Against The Dark

An award for husband and PLN officers who serve in the State Electricity Company, especially in the Kalimantan Area.

In the era of modern and all-digital today, electricity is something that is vital for our daily lives, it can even be said that electricity has become a necessity  basic things that can be juxtaposed with the needs of food, clothing and shelter
~Untuk versi Bahasa Indonesia silahkan klikdisini

Imagine how it feels if there is no electricity? Whereas all electronic equipment, ranging from the home environment, offices to all-electronic public services, although there are some who use electricity from solar panels for example  , still the supply of electricity from the State Electricity Company which is the main supplier of electricity in Indonesia.
Especially in this digital world, everything can be do online, whether through computers, laptops or cellphones. And the electronic devices are their resources  comes from electricity.
I as an electricity customer from the State Electricity Company(PLN), honestly often nagging a little if the electricity is going out (forgive me Pak 🀭), surely the same reaction is also experienced by other people who are both PLN electricity customers. That's a human reaction if  in my opinion, as long as there is still a reasonable limit of anger and nagging.
Newly realize how important electricity is to our lives, so that it is turned off for a moment and lost from our electronic devices, how disappointed and feel there is something lacking in our lives (right?πŸ˜‰)

                               caption:Gardu Induk Bukuan,PLN
                             UPT KALTIMRA,ULTG SAMARINDA
                                                                    By Suryana                                         
                                      caption:Power network cable
                                                       By @SetyawatiAnik

Behind the ease of access to electricity that we enjoy, have we ever imagined and thought about how electricity can reach our home? Maybe it has been thought of, but only briefly came up with the answer 'Ah, I have the right to get electricity because I pay, matters of how and who makes electricity available?  liabilities for related parties'

Let's take a quick look at how electricity can get to our house smoothly victorious. 
There is a long process that must be done by PLN officials, starting from the power plant (where the electric power is initially processed) after that it is forwarded to the regulator and load channel unit, via the substation  existing then distributed to customers' homes smoothly and continuously. 

For 24 hours the officers took turns keeping the electricity supply safe. 
For the responsibility to customers and dedication that customer satisfaction is number 1, it is not uncommon for PLN officials to be willing to not go home to meet  their family before their work is done. 
Challenge to go home before the electricity is bright.

And for electrical power to get to the house there is a lot to do by officers both in the control room and officers who are outside.
Like the photos below, a glimpse of the work done so that the electricity supply to homes remains smooth and maintained continuity

                   caption:Control Room Gardu Induk,PLN  
                            UPT KALTIMRA,ULTG SAMARINDA                                                                      By Suryana
Each will do routine work, always preceded by safety breafing which aims to check readiness, especially about the personal safety of each officer who will do the work that is scheduled or sudden, such as if there are disturbances ... Safety equipment must be worn is a 
•safety helmet
• safety gloves
•safety shoes 
•safety belt (full body harness)
Safety first 😎

            caption: Safety breafing,PLN,UPT KALTIMRA
          caption:Maintenance of electrical equipment                      PLN,UPT KALTIMRA,ULTG SAMARINDA
                                                  By ULTG SAMARINDA                                                                                 
          Caption:Maintenence of electrical equipment                       PLN,UPT KALTIMRA,ULTG SAMARINDA
                                                  By ULTG SAMARINDA                                          
SUTT (High Voltage Air Line) towers in the forest must also be routinely checked, are there any trees that disturb, is there a pool of water that can cause porous on the tower material. 
Likewise the network cable must be routinely checked. 
It turns out that no  as simple as one might imagine, it requires a process and work with extra accuracy because of the high risk of work.

             caption:SUTT Ground Patrol Tower officers                       PLN,UPT KALTIMRA,ULTG SAMARINDA
                                           By Gardu Induk Bukit Biru                                            
             caption:Work on maintenance and repair of 
               SUTT side conveyors,PLN,UPT KALTIMRA,                                                        By UPT KALTIMRA                                                                                
Sometimes the power goes out due to network maintenance work. 
But there are also many power outages that are out of control (natural factors).
Field workers are already working optimally but when it related with nature, that is a challenge for them, so how to supply electricity is maintained and  stable. 
They want the best for PLN loyal customersπŸ‘Œ

That's a little picture of how the electricity that we can now enjoy comes from.
One thing is certain if the power supply goes out, they PLN officials do not stay silent, they will exert every effort so that the supply of electricity smoothly returns. 
All for the satisfaction of our customers. Hopefully through  this article, we can wisely respond if there is a power outage. 
For the officials of the State Electricity Company (PLN) success always makes Indonesia bright.

My writing is based on appreciation as a wife of a PLN officer, and as a form of support for all husband friends in PLN.
And big appreciation for 
•Bapak Suryana and 
•All Bapak Suryana friends
Thank you so much

Please leave your comments, because your comments are very meaningful for me to correct in the future so that I can become better at creating a blog. Thank you

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2020

Strawberry Full Moon,June 6 2020

Strawberry Full Moon. 
Strawberry full moon is the usual full moon that occurs in June.
At the time of the full strawberry, the position of the moon is right behind the earth when viewed from the sun and its face will be fully illuminated by the sun (source of LAPAN).  
The peak time of the strawberry full moon phenomenon on 6 June 2020 is 02.12 o'clock in the morning.
Incidentally the sky is clear and the weather is also good, so the strwaberry full moon can be seen in Sleman where I am very clear

                     caption:Strawberry moon on Sleman
                              June 6 2020.By @SetyawatiAnik

           caption:Strawberry moon in cloudy,Sleman
                         June 6 2020.By @SetyawatiAnik

                            caption:strawberry moon,Sleman 
                             June 6 2020.By @SetyawatiAnik

The name is indeed the full moon of strawberry, but don't ever imagine the full moon light as red as a strawberry. 
                          Caption:Strawberry moon,Sleman 
                             June 6 2020.By @SetyawatiAnik

                          caption:Strawberry moon,Sleman
                            June 6 2020.By @SetyawatiAnik

According to history, the full moon of strawberry is used by tribes in America as a sign that if the full moon in June is a sign the strawberries in their garden are ripe and ready to be harvested .

    Please leave your comments, because your comments are very meaningful for me to correct in the future so that I can become better at creating a blog. Thank you

Jumat, 05 Juni 2020

Another Way To Enjoy The Beauty Of Mountains

Speaking of Indonesia, of course there are some who know if Indonesia is an archipelagic country and an agrarian country that has abundant agricultural produce and good yields. 
This is because agricultural land in Indonesia has a loose soil structure since thousands of years ago.  The loose soil is obtained from meters  originating from the eruption of volcanoes that are widely found in Indonesia. 

                        caption:Rice fields with paddi plant                                           By @SetyawatiAnik                                                         

 Why can it be like that? That's because Indonesia is in the Pacific Ring of Fire and is above the collision of 3 earth plates namely Pacific Plate, Indo-Australia and Eurasia. 
And that's also why Indonesia  is the area most frequently hit by earthquakes and volcanoes.

One of the most active and active volcanoes is Mount Merapi.Which has a peak height of 2930 masl info as of 2010 (Wikipedia source).

                       caption:Mount Merapi,Sleman
                                     By @SetyawatiAnik

Mount Merapi is located in two provinces in Indonesia namely the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java. 
In Yogyakarta Mount Merapi is located in Sleman Regency for the southern slope of Mount Merapi and the rest is in the Central Java region.    

Mount Merapi is a favorite mountain for climbers and mountain lovers  However, the current status of Mount Merapi is Alert, which means that at any time eruption of Merapi can occur based on Merapi's activities lately.

Mount Merapi is also one of the tourism icons that should be visited if you are in Yogyakarta.      Apart from the typical cool air, tourism  Mount Merapi also offers adventure tours such as the Merapi tour using a jeep guided by experienced drivers. We will be invited to tour the slopes of Merapi.

Educational tours are also there, we can visit the Merapi Museum, where there are various collections related to Mount Merapi.
History of  the mountains in Indonesia are also te  can be here though not as detailed as the reviews about Merapi. 
And there are many more types of tours offered and are in the area of ​​Mount Merapi, which is managed by local residents.

                        caption:Museum of Merapi,Sleman
                                        By @SetyawatiAnik

                       caption:Museum of Merapi,Sleman
                                     By @SetyawatiAnik

                        caption:Museum of Merapi,Sleman
                                      By @SetyawatiAnik

There are many ways for us to enjoy the beauty of the mountain.
Maybe there are many people like me who have never climbed, but we can still enjoy the view of the mountain in our own way.
Taking photos of the mountain can be one of our ways to enjoy the beauty of the mountain. 

Enjoy my photos.

                       caption:Morning on Merapi,Sleman
                                       By @SetyawatiAnik

            caption : Early morning on Merapi,Sleman
                               By @SetyawatiAnik

                       caption:Fresh air on Merapi,Sleman
                                             By @SetyawatiAnik
This a part of my passion,photography πŸ“ΈπŸ˜

Please leave your comments, because your comments are very meaningful for me to correct in the future so that I can become better at creating a blog. Thank you

Rabu, 03 Juni 2020

Hidden paradise in Jogja

 Who doesn't know about Jogja? 
Jogja is a tourist destination that is famous to foreign countries. Not only famous for cultural tourism with the icon of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace. Jogja also have paradise which is slowly starting to be exposed? 

Yuup ... Jogja turns out to have beautiful beaches. If so far the tourists only know that Jogja only has Parangtritis and Parang Kusumo beach.As if they had to be upgraded with reference information about beach tourism in Jogja πŸ˜‰ 
As someone who really loves the beach, I have already explored some of the beautiful beaches in Jogja

              caption:Parangtritis beach,Bantul   
                          By @SetyawatiAnik

      caption:Andong in Parangtritis beach,Bantul
                           By @SetyawatiAnik 

Parangtritis Beach is one of the best spots to enjoy sunset in Jogja. Tourists usually deliberately want to enjoy the sunset moment since 16 pm have come to get the best position to enjoy the sunset, and get extraordinary moments here. 
Sunrise in here is very great too.
Very recommended for beach and sunrise,sunset loversπŸ’₯πŸ§‘πŸ’›

                  caption:Sundak beach,Gunung Kidul
                                   By @SetyawatiAnik

                   caption:Sundak beach,Gunung Kidul
                                 By @SetyawatiAnik

Sundak Beach is located in Gunung Kidul, Jogja. The distance is 64km from downtown Jogja, it takes 1 hour 45 minutes travel time to the beach.
That  beach has a cluster of corals and if lucky we can meet sea stars or small fish typical of coral reefsπŸ πŸ¦€πŸŒ
And yes cluster  the coral is on the shoreline so when the water recedes we can walk on a coral reef and if from a distance when we walk on a coral reef as if we were walking on water. It's amazingπŸ’™
Many restaurant in here,with seafood menu fresh from the ocean seafood,hmmm so yummy...

              caption:Indrayanti beach,Gunung Kidul
                              By @SetyawatiAnik

Indrayanti beach used to be known as the beach to return home. 
This is because when Eid al-Fitr every 1 month many tourists visit there with relatives and friends fill their holidays while making friends. 
The Indrayanti beach has a stretch of white sand and the sunset here is very cool.  
If tourists want to stay overnight and feel the peace of life by the beach, there are many cottages for rent here. For the stomach business, here is also a restaurant with a mainstay menu, of course, appetizing seafood after being satisfied playing beach water. Highly recommended if you visit Jogja.

That's 3 of the many beautiful beaches in Jogja. For stories and photos about the beaches in Yogyakarta I will post on my next blog. 
Let me be curious, right?πŸ˜‰

Selasa, 02 Juni 2020

The Dieng Ice Dew Phenomenon

Indonesia is a tropical country, and only knows two seasons, the dry season and the rainy season. 
The dry season usually starts from June to the end of October. 
Sometimes the desire arises to feel winter filled with snow like abroad, it seems fun to play in the snowπŸ˜…

Indonesia only knows two seasons, but we feel fortunate because during the dry season there are several regions in Indonesia that experience the phenomenon of frost. 

Dieng Plateau is one of the areas that always experiences the phenomenon of frost or local people Dieng used to call it dew upas (dew  toxic). 

Why is it called 'dew dew'? because in Dieng there is a potato and vegetable plantation, if their potato and vegetable crops are exposed to dewdrops, it is certain that their plants will die because all of their leaves are covered by that dew (haze).
Dieng in Banjarnegara, Central Java. There is an altitude of 2,000 above sea level, ideal with a temperature  cold many types of vegetable crops are cultivated there.

The phenomenon of frost occurs usually when the transition of the season, from the rainy season to the dry season and when the air temperature is at the lowest point of 0 ° c. June to August usually frost will appear. 
Its appearance is usually from 9pm to 7am  when the sun rises perfectly.

The ideal time to enjoy the dewdrop phenomenon is at 5 am, but it is optional because there are also tourists who have been in the location of the usual dew since nightfall, for fear of missing a rare moment that only happens once a year. 

Arrived, we can be sure the Dieng plateau will be full of tourists from outside the area who intentionally come to see the ice dew phenomenon. 

The usual location of the ice dew to appear is in the Arjuna Temple complex, Dieng. 
June 2019 for the first time I was able to enjoy the phenomenon of Dieng ice dew. 

                                 Caption: Grass covered in ice
                                          By @SetyawatiAnik

                         Caption :successfully taken ice dew
                                                By @SetyawatiAnik

Woow  .. only that word that I can say to see the expanse of grass, potato plants covered in frost  tih like cotton (in my heart said maybe snow is also like this huh? πŸ˜‚) 
Thank God for the phenomenon of frost, I was so able to feel the winter like abroad that I often imagine.

Enjoy my country Indonesia πŸ€—